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Success Stories: Christian

Rather than becoming discouraged, learn from your mistakes. Ask your interviewers for feedback, and they will happily tell you how to improve.

How have you benefited from using the Career Center services?

The Career Center made me aware of jobs opportunities that I did not even know existed and helped to make them realities. I learned about internships, my own strengths, how to better present myself in an interview, what types of questions to expect from specific companies, and more. The Career Center turned my job search into a success.

How did working with the Career Center impact your internship/job search?

Working with the Career Center gave me more confidence in my job search. My Career Consultant encouraged me to apply to companies with which I never thought I stood a chance and take practical steps to succeed. The contacts that they have with alumni can truly make a great difference. Even if there has been no historical contact with a company, I talked to my Consultant about beginning to create a bridge for TCU students to apply, and it resulted in me receiving an offer that astounded me. The Career Center goes beyond to help its students.

What was the most helpful advice given to you by the Career Center?

The most helpful advice I was given by the Career Center was to spend an allotted amount of time working on applications and searching for opportunities on FrogJobs each week. This set the precedent that looking for internships needed to be a priority and helped me take practical steps to make it one.

What challenges were you facing and how did the Career Center help you solve them or motivate you to solve them?

During my internship search, I had my heart set on a company. I made it to the final round, thought that I did great, and received a phone call that I did not receive the position. This disheartened me and, as a result, I did not want to continue searching for jobs in the same field. My Career Consultant continually encouraged me and reached out to a company in which I had expressed interest. She discovered that they had a similar job offering and encouraged me to apply. That opportunity turned into my summer internship. I wouldn’t have achieved this feat without the Career Center.

What advice would you give others facing the same challenges you did?

Rather than becoming discouraged, learn from your mistakes. Ask your interviewers for feedback, and they will happily tell you how to improve. This conversation can solve your biggest problems and make all of the difference in your next interview.

Where there any specific events you went to that were beneficial? If so which one and why was it helpful?

Company visits are an incredible resource. The Career Center does a wonderful job of asking businesses to speak on campus. Take advantage of them. If you go and like the company, great. Apply! If not, you will have a better idea of what you are looking for in an employer moving forward.